
Developed by a professional stylist

"I wanted to make volume technique easier, for stylists and for customers."
"Our job is very tiring for the back and eyes - especially with the time-consuming and demanding volume technique."
Eyelash stylist Natalie Petker knows what she's talking about.

After six years as a stylist, she got back pain. At the same time, the standards in the industry became more and more demanding

„Mein Wunsch ist immer, die Arbeit zu erleichtern, ohne dass die Qualität des Ergebnisses darunter leidet“
sagt Natalie Petker, die unter dem Namen Wimpern deLuxe ein Studio, eine Akademie und einen Online-Shop betreibt.
Ultimately, Natalie had the idea of how eyelash extensions could be automatically fanned out.
For the technical implementation, she had her husband Dimitri and her father Michael, a technician and an engineer, at her side.
Together they developed the first prototype.
In 2016 Natalie applied for the patent for the iLashFan and it was granted in 2020.